Thursday, February 28, 2008

European Jobs Vanish

In the latest breaking news it is clear that German Business giants like Seimens,Henkel and BMW are going to lay off more than 20000 employees between them.Nokia is shifting its production from Germany to Romania.The reason these companies give for this action is rising cost of procuring raw material.BMW ,after making huge profits is till laying off so many workers. They say they must improve their bottom line in order to be competent.
So ,is this globalization all about?
Capitalism says that that every person has the right to work! But this statement is a double edged sword! We only can feel what must be going thru the minds of these workers who are going to be fired. How are they going to earn their living? How are they going to pay their rent or bills. Is the government going to provide new jobs for so may unemployed workers.I doubt it! Everybody will blame India and china for it and very unjustly. European Union was suppose to work for the upliftment of its citizens, instead they are being fired!On the other hand Brussels pays hefty pay packets to the EU mandarins sitting in EU parliament(If we can call it that).
This brings me back to a basic question!Is capitalism and Globalisation failing us? Did they only work when socialism was also being practiced.In my opinion people of the world should come together on the internet to choose a system which will work.It should have a heavy dose of socialism because human life has to live in a system where it is harmony with nature.Capitalism will only lead to more greed and distruction of the world.We have done more harm to environment in last 60 years than was done in 2000 years.we cannot allow the thugs meeting in Davos every year to run our lives.

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