Thursday, February 28, 2008

EU slaps Microsoft

EU slaps US$1,3 billion penalty on Microsoft.

The European union fined Microsoft a record 899 million Euros on 27th Feb.2008,for charging too much for software information.In an antitrust ruling in 2004,the European commission has fined the same company Euros 497 million and ordered it to open some key softwares to rivals.
In my opinion EU has taken a very sound judgement which is very good for small and medium software enterprises and startups.These SME’s(small and medium sized enterprises) will get a chance to put their products forward thus putting a severe blow to monopolies which these big cash rich companies have enjoyed for a long time.Whenever some enterpreuner comes out with a new product the big player buy them off thus stoping a budding startup from becoming another Bill Gates.On back of these monopolies it is rumoured that many of these cash rich MNC;s have become so arrogant that they fail to see beyond greed and filling up personal bank accounts.EU has shown that it will always favour fairplay.The recent yahoo-Microsoft-Google tussle is a good example of these corporate coups.
Reference:Metro now-dated:28th feb 2008

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